Every business is trying to create a transaction using some form of communication – and most only measure half of what’s important.

Every business is trying to create a transaction using some form of communication – and most only measure half of what’s important.

Based on the traditional Transactional Model of Communications, a company (the sender) creates a message, in some form, and sends it through a channel to a receiver: a target persona for their product or service. The impact is intended to align with their business objectives – awareness, engagement, or sales – despite the inherent noise in each step.

The challenge is that most businesses are only using Receiver Analytics: a measurement of what happened at the end of the process, with the help of services like HubSpot, Nielsen, and Salesforce.

By leveraging Sender Analytics, performance data for the beginning of the process, businesses can better impact outcomes. With the help of services like McKinsey, Gartner, and Adobe, they can impact different parts of the transaction.

Optimizing Sender Analytics

With Market Ready Index, clients can capture sender analytics across all channels, digital and analog, to leverage data-driven creativity in all forms of communications: branding, sales, multimedia, marketing, events, public relations, social media, design, advertising, and digital.

MRI provides a single platform that facilitates cross-functional collaboration, like that between sales and marketing, to optimize performance, and increase the return on investment.