Product branding is a symbol or design used by manufacturers that identifies and differentiates its product(s) from other products.
Product branding refers to the colors, designs, schemes, and layouts associated with a particular product that helps it stand out among its competition. Tied to the corporate brand or a family of products, this form of branding is a representation of the company as a whole, but on a smaller, individualized scale. Individual branding is a strategic approach to create a separate identity for each good or service a company offers.

A single company might launch several family brands to lend a uniform identity to its different product lines. This makes the most sense when a company sells items in very different categories, like candy and detergent, or to highly distinct target audiences. Conversely, firms with multiple offerings in the same category can choose very different approaches to brand their products. For example, in the soup or cereal categories, companies, such as Campbell’s Soup, often market a variety of products under the same name. This use of a unified platform is called family branding. However, Procter & Gamble chooses to market its detergents under individual brands, such as Tide, Cheer, and Gain.