Innovative Solutions for Optimizing MarCom

Assessment, Monitoring, and Consulting to improve ROI and Outcomes


The Market Ready Index® Suite.

The Market Ready Index toolset helps to improve return on investment across all channels of integrated marketing communications (IMC). With data-driven decision-making, MRI® objectively evaluates, accurately monitors, and positively impacts business outcomes.

MRI® Assessment

An objective evaluation — based on data, discipline, and best practices — to understand and improve performance.

helps Agencies identify strengths and weaknesses, produce data-driven creativity

helps Marketers assess current positioning, make informed decisions

help Leaders assess MarCom performance, meet business objectives

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MRI® Dashboard

Real-time access to Sender Analytics, providing critical insights for campaign optimization across all channels of communications.

Accurate baseline and benchmarks to establish perspective and understanding

Timely and actionable business intelligence for ongoing strategic decision making

Responsive alerts based on client objectives and key performance indicators

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MRI® Consulting

Experienced Analysts to help objectively understand the data, identify opportunities for improvement, and facilitate change.

Adaptable to the workflow of most B2B, B2C, and Non-Profit organizations.

Accessible by all roles and responsibilities on any internet-enabled device.

Affordable for small- and mid-sized agencies and departments.

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What Market Ready Index® Clients Say

Insights from Professionals Who Adopt the MRI Platform

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With MRI Assessments, our agency can bring objectivity to new clients in order to build trust and relationships.

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Our department can measure every channel with Market Ready Index, which means we can manage every channel.

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With MRI, our leadership team can make strategic decisions because the data tells us how to meet our goals.

Chief Executive Officer

Early Access to Disruptive Marketing Technology
Apply for MRI® 3.0 Beta

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