Fractional CMOs are accountable for optimizing performance — and have a small window to prove ROI.
The Role of a FCMO
Fractional Chief Marketing Officers (FCMOs) provide executive leadership on a short term basis, usually replacing a previous resource. Typically an interim or trial position, Fractional CMOs are often tasked to do more with less: to optimize marketing communications on a minimum budget while maximizing the return on investment.

The challenge
Standing out. Standing up.
Even the best FCMOs compete against hundreds of experienced colleagues armed with the same MarTech toolset. When selected, it's difficult to agree where the company is today, and how they should move forward together. If Marketing can’t help Sales and Leadership meet their goals, they’ll look for another resource and start all over again.
Differentiate. Evaluate. Optimize: Get Market Ready Index®
Market Ready Index® helps FCMOs win new business and extend current contracts.
Adopting a Market Ready Index® discipline creates real differentiation, provides object evaluation and helps optimize MarCom performance in less time.
Win New Business, Grow Current Contracts.
Market Ready Index® Certified CMOs are trained to utilize a disruptive marketing technology platform focused on optimizing performance across all channels of communications. With MRI®, CMOs can leverage data and technology to make strategic decisions, over time, that improve efficiency of marketing spend by channel and subchannel.

Access Objective Evaluation.
Expand the analytics toolbox to include more than just the end of the sales process. With Market Ready Index®, clients can capture sender analytics across all channels, digital and analog, to impact performance in all forms of communications: Branding, Sales, Multimedia, Marketing, Events, Public Relations, Social Media, Design, Advertising, and Digital.

Lead Cross-Functional Optimization.
The MRI® Dashboard provides real-time data and analysis, across all channels and subchannels, with comprehensive reporting and executive summary. Market Ready Index® helps FCMOs to make informed decisions, facilitates cross-functional collaboration to meet business objectives and increases the ROI on Marketing Communications.


Exceed Business Objectives.
The ability for FCMOs to flourish depends on their ability to secure contracts, and meet business objectives, over time. Objective evaluation is critical to understanding an organization's current position in the marketplace. By implementing a proven process for optimization, marketing leaders can consistently increase revenue and set up the company for long-term success.
What Market Ready Index® FCMOs Say
Insights from Marketers Adopting the MRI® Platform
With MRI Assessments, we can bring objectivity to new clients in order to build trust and relationships.
We can measure every channel with Market Ready Index, which means we can manage every channel.
With MRI, our leadership team can make strategic decisions because the data tells us how to meet our goals.